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 GPCA Standing General Assembly Voting


Ranked Choice Vote Details

Ranked Choice Vote ID11
Ranked Choice VoteGPCA position on Prop 40: Redistricting State Senate Districts Referendum
TypeOpen Ballot
Number of Seats1
Ranked Choice Vote AdministratorMike Feinstein
Discussion08/01/2012 - 08/10/2012
Voting08/11/2012 - 08/31/2012
Presens Quorum13 0.5001
Candidates GPCA endorses Proposition 40
GPCA opposes Proposition 40
GPCA takes no position on Proposition 40


This is the ranked choice vote for the GPCA to take a position Proposition 40: Redistricting. State Senate Districts. Referendum.

The choices are to rank 'endorse', 'oppose', 'no position' and/or 'abstain'. Delegates can rank as many (or as few) of these options in their order of preference.

An 'endorse' vote would mean the GPCA would endorse Proposition 40. An 'oppose' vote means the GPCA would oppose Proposition 40. A 'no position' vote means the GPCA would not take a position on Proposition 40. An 'abstain' vote means the voter is not expressing a preference, but is voting to help achieve quorum. Any of these position that receives 2/3 after all preferences are transferred is the position of the party. If neither 'endorse' nor 'opposes' receive 2/3, the GPCA's position will be 'no position'.


Ballot Title and Summary: Redistricting. State Senate Districts. Referendum.


"A "Yes" vote approves, and a "No" vote rejects, new State Senate districts drawn by the Citizens Redistricting Commission. If the new districts are rejected, the State Senate district boundary lines will be adjusted by officials supervised by the California Supreme Court. State Senate Districts are revised every 10 years following the federal census.

Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact

"If the votes vote "yes" and approve the state Senate district maps certified by the Citizens Redistricting Commission, the state would incur a one-time cost of about $500,000 to establish new Senate districts. Counties would incur one-time costs of about $500,000 statewide to develop new precinct maps and related election materials for the new districts."

Yes/No Statement

"A YES vote on this measure means: The state Senate district boundaries certified by the Citizens Redistricting Commission would continue to be used."

"A NO vote on this measure means: The California Supreme Court would appoint special masters to determine new state Senate district boundaries."

Full text of the proposition: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/vig-public-display/110612-general-election/prop-40/prop-40-text.pdf

Legislative Analysis: http://www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2012/40_11_2012.aspx or http://www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2012/40_11_2012.pdf

Argument in Favor: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/vig-public-display/110612-general-election/prop-40/prop-40-arg-in-favor.pdf

Rebuttal to Argument in Favor: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/vig-public-display/110612-general-election/prop-40/prop-40-rebut-arg-in-favor.pdf

Argument Against: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/vig-public-display/110612-general-election/prop-40/prop-40-arg-against.pdf

Rebuttal to Argument Against: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/vig-public-display/110612-general-election/prop-40/prop-40-rebut-arg-against.pdf

Qualified: 02/24/12 | Signatures Required: 504,760
Proponent: Julie Vandermost c/o Charles H. Bell, Jr. (916) 442-7757

Campaign Disclosure Filings of Committees formed to support or oppose the ballot measure: http://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/Campaign/Measures/Detail.aspx?id=1341037&session=2011

Candidate Information

GPCA endorses Proposition 40

GPCA opposes Proposition 40

GPCA takes no position on Proposition 40

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